
Showing posts from May, 2010


Sorry this blog has been so sparse as of late, but I've been kind of busy as of late what with finals and stuff. I'm taking twice as many math classes as I have before in college and all of them have in class finals so I've had to buckle down and study hard. But, they're over now, no more math for .... well for like 2 weeks until I start my REU, but still. I think I did pretty well , but I find out for real tomorrow. Anyways this blog will likely continue to be boring since I need to go out and make the most of my last 3 days in Budapest. I'll be home on Sunday and I can't wait to see my friends and family. I know I'll miss Budapest when I leave, but it'll be nice to be home. Oh yeah I went to Prague 2 weekends ago (feels like forever) so here are a couple pictures.


Before I finish the much overdue final post(s) of the Greek saga I thought I'd post my favorite pictures from this weekend's road trip through Romania. My friends David, Will, and I explored the wonderfully green Transylvania region, making for an awesome adventure!