mehr vom Gleichen

The weather this week continued to be quite variable. This did make for some rainbows visible from my apartment.

Lucky for us the weather mostly held off for Wednesday night Frisbee practice.

On Thursday after work I bought another second hand bike. This one is cyclocross bike which should be more fun to ride long distances on dirt roads than my City bike. Naturally I had to take it on a longer maiden voyage on Saturday so I took the same route south down the Isar as I did a couple weeks ago. This time I never felt the need to walk my bike so a definite success. 

I took a different route home than last time though so I could check out Burg Grünwald

I also appreciated the hotel next door.

Once I was back in Munich proper I found a different biergarten for lunch. This time I ordered the seasonal delicacy of Spargel or white asparagus. It tasted a little milder than the green variety, certainly good but I still don't understand the locals obsession with it.

Sunday was frisbee practice again, mostly sunny except for a 20 second hailstorm. On the bike ride home I spotted this sticker which gave me a chuckle. 

Monday was another holiday, whit Monday, but the threat of rain kept me from venturing too far afield. I did manage another bike ride around the south eastern part of the city. I tried to ride complete my loop without looking at google maps but some highway over & under-crossings turned me around so I did end up needing a bit of help. My detour did take me by this Potato vending machine which I got a kick out of.


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