
Last Friday was the first time I was able to take advantage of my sparse Friday course load, by taking a trip to the Hungarian city of Pécs. This destination was suggested by Erica, our Hungarian teacher, and Kylee's house mom, as a good city to visit on the weekend. She was especially thrilled that we could go on Friday and Saturday since apparently there are only tourists out on Sunday, so by going on Friday we could see what the city is really like.

The four of us (Lydia, Kylee, Ranjan, and I) caught an early train out of Keleti pályaudvar the train station down the block from me. Despite the early fog things eventually cleared and I was able to get a feel for the Hungarian countryside. Flat and snow covered, though likely not for much longer.Once in Pecs we dropped our stuff at our hostel, spent half an hour learning how to unlock the door (with help from the kind painter there), and wandered in to the city center. We didn't have much of an itinerary so we mostly wandered about encountering a fence of love locks,another church with an impossible to photograph interior, and a store selling cheap sweaters.
We also went to the Zsolnay Factory and Museum which had some really awesome ceramics. This is where most of the colorful roof tiles found in Hungary are made. Overall this was a calm relaxed trip with Pécs providing a nice change from Budapest. The city is much smaller and feels more like a town. the fact that we got rain instead of snow also heralds the arrival of spring.

After Pecs much of the weekend was spent doing homework, though the sunny weather on Sunday required I at least go for a stroll through the neighborhood. On Monday we again attempted Parliament only to be once again stymied by a sign.
Instead we went to the North end of the blue metro line and wandered around. Ranjan has agreed to go early next week to get tickets, and if they're sold out again, well there is always the South end of the blue line.


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