This has been the most boring blog ever, likely due to my lack of Internet access in my flat and compounded by my lack of free-time. The reason for this being Hungarian classes from 9 -4.

In order to tide everyone over I will try to give a partial account of what I've been up to.
  • Jan. 18 - Leave USA via SFO
  • Jan. 19 - Arrive in Budapest after about 3 hours of sleep on planes, meet my room-mate Solomon, stay up till 9 in order to fend off Jet lag.
  • Jan. 20 - 22 - Language classes with other BSMers
  • Jan. 23 & 24 - Weekend! explore the city including city park and get to know other BSMers
  • Jan 25-29 - More classes, occupied the afternoons with sledding, exploring, and going to blues club.
  • Jan 30&31 - Weekend 2, explored Buda, went to a dinner party at a friends and a couple of Discos.
  • Feb 1- present - Last week of language school, also went to the immigration office for a residence permit, the national museum, and the Opera.
Hopefully I will be able to update more regularly, more in depth, and with pictures once I get Internet.


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