
Well this entry is a week late because I only went to Bratislava last weekend, so I really couldn't have written it much earlier. Anyways Lucas, Caitlin, Kylee and I decided we wanted to get out of Budapest for a bit so we decided to visit Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. We opted for a quick one night trip, bus from Budapest early Saturday morning, see the city, spend the night, and catch a bus back in time for a late lunch in Budapest.
Despite one of our number nearly missing the bus everything went pretty much according to plan. Bratislava is a lot smaller than Budapest so we did a pretty good job of seeing all the important sites, highlights of which are in the photos below.
The Slovakian Equivalent of the white house.
The US Consulate in Slovakia.
Everyone but me on the way up to the castle, note the UFO bridge in the background.
Slovak flag flying on the castle.
The travelers in front of the UFO bridge.
Headquarters for Slovak radio, also an inverted pyramid.Some abandoned buildings, just to remind you we were in Central Europe.
A very pretty blue church. We ate dinner at a place called One Slovak Pub which had traditional Slovak food. Per my mothers request I have included pictures.
My Slovak soup with sauerkraut, sausage, and potatoes.
Lucas' fried pastries filled with chicken and spinach.Kylee with her pork wrapped in mashed potatoes and covered with cheese, plus a side of croquettes.
Caitlin and I ordered basically the same dish which is some kind of pasta coated in ewe cheese. Mine had bacon and smoked cheese on top, extremely cheesy and extremely tasty.

After Bratislava it was back to Budapest for homework and studying. I had my first Graph Theory midterm today which went well, but now its back to the grindstone since I've got two problem sets and a midterm between me and Greece!


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