Spring Break part 2, Athens!

I am sorry this post is so long overdue, I don't really have any good excuses either since I've been in Budapest for the past couple weeks....

Picking up where the previous post left off, after a significant amount of scenery and cards we arrived in Athens. A hectic metro trip, and deceptively long walk later we found ourselves at the doorstep of the Hotel Zeus, our residence for the next two days. After a quick planning meeting, we went to bed in order to be ready to take on one of the worlds oldest cities.

The next morning we headed down towards the ancient city center, with the Acropolis and other historical sites. While Ranjan and Will went to pick up our train tickets for the trip back to Thessaloniki the rest of the group walked around the touristy area of downtown, including the misnamed and unfortunately overpriced flea market. A friendly kutya (Hungarian for dog) then led us to the base of the Acropolis hill where we met back up with Will and Ranjan. We spent the rest of the morning walking around the Acropolis grounds and the surrounding ruins.Since for some reason all the historical sites close at around 2, we had a late lunch at a cafe right by the acropolis. Near the yellowish awning in the picture. Lunch was a great deal of fun because every time the police walked by all the street vendors would hastily pack up and move on, but they always returned within a few minutes. During the course of our lunch this must have happened 3 or 4 times.
After lunch we picked up our tickets for the next leg of our journey, the ferry to Mykonos. After a 'quick' stop at the hotel it was nearing evening so we headed back into the city to wander around and perhaps find some dinner. We ended up being just in time to witness the changing of the guard at Greek Parliament. After that we walked through a large park directly behind Parliament. We even managed to make it out to the Olympic stadium before the sun really set.
Once it started getting dark in earnest we grabbed dinner and headed back to hotel to get some sleep before the ferry early the next morning. However, before sleep we had to check out the bar on the rooftop of our hotel. When we arrived the bartender, who was also the head guy at the hotel, immediately gave us all shots of ouzo, the traditional Greek spirit. We hung out on the roof for a while after that, enjoying the view and the live dulcimer music provided by a friend of the bartender. Then it was really time for sleep as we had to get up around 5 the next morning to make it to the port of Piraeus on time.


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