Trials of the ADCP

One of our projects key piece's of equipment is an ADCP which stands for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Basically its a $30k piece of equipment that uses sound waves to determine the velocity profile of a stream. Unfortunately the version we have is really designed to be mounted on a boat and used in deeper waters so we were unable to get it to work yesterday. I did get to use some surveying equipment to plot points along the logjam and stream bed though, which was cool. Today was a reading day for me, mainly documentation on the ADCP model we have and the one designed more for our project type. Tomorrow its back to the field to see if my new knowledge helps us collect any usable data.
This evening there was an HJ Andrews potluck which was fun and a nice change from the basic cooking I've been doing. I got to talk with some of the long term workers as well as members of the other crews stationed here. I brought a basic vegetable platter, but other people got more creative including lasagna, fish patties, and beet salad. Tomorrow evening we drive to Corvallis to stay in the dorms in preparation for our series of Friday meetings and seminars. Then its the weekend, the current plan is some sort of camping though the logistics are sketchy.


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