The Final Countdown

I doubt anyone is still reading this, but I need a break from Mathematica so I thought I'd try writing some plain English for a change. We've been in Corvallis now for 4 weeks, and aside from one trip back to Quartz Creek I've been doing my work here, either in the library or memorial union. Earlier this week the other two members of my group Will and Ginger went out to Crab-Tree Creek on the Santiam to finish the last of our data gathering. I opted not to go for two main reasons, one the StreamPro (The ADCP actually designed for shallow water) can be easily operated by two people, and two I already had plenty of work to do. For the last 4 weeks I've been using Mathematica to visualize and analyze our data. It may not be the best tool for the job, but I know how to use it. Essentially what I do is read in text files of data from WinRiver (the program that comes with the ADCP), process them into a usable format, then use them to make pretty pictures.
Aside from work I've been trying to explore Oregon on the weekends, we've been to the coast, Portland, and blue berry picking. I've also managed to play pick-up ultimate every Sunday, which is fun even though I'm one of the worst people there (more due to their skill than my lack of it). Tonight we're driving out to Mary's peak to see the Perseid Metor shower.
I've only got one weekend left, and though I'm sure I'll miss this program I cannot wait to get back to Pomona! Anyways sorry for the rambling post, and the long delay!


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