Viszontlátásra Oregon

Last week was the final week of EISI, certainly a bittersweet time, also exceedingly busy. Everyone in the program had papers to finish, conclusions to draw, and presentations to rehearse. Still we all got through it and I saw some very interesting results. During all this chaos three other students and I drove to Albany (Oregon, not California or New York) to eat at a Hungarian restaurant.
I first saw a sign weeks earlier, driving up 5 to a field site and I knew I had to go. After all I'd just spent a semester in Budapest and I couldn't find a Hungarian restaurant in the entire Bay Area. The place is called Novak's and ended up being a little fancier than I expected. Still everyone was game and we had a great time. I had the shepard's platter which had all the typical Hungarian food, paprikás csirke, töltött káposzta, kolbász, and pörkölt (chicken paprika, stuffed cabbage, sausage, and goulash for those who don't speak Hungarian). The food was quite good though not as good as Budapest and certainly more expensive. Still it was well worth it as it brought back many fond memories.
EISI officially ended on Thursday with final presentations and a going away barbecue. The barbecue was particularly fun as it was a last chance to socialize and see our mentors in a less formal atmosphere. Friday morning Will and I headed south, him to visit relatives and me to visit Caitlin in Marin for a few days. I've made it all the way home now and I've got 4 days to get ready to go back to school! I'm super excited, and cannot wait to see everyone at Pomona again!!


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