Ich bin frei

 Woo Hoo!! I did not catch Covid on my trip so I'm allowed to leave the apartment. 

Yesterday I walked up to the Deutsches Museum where they commandeered a courtyard for Covid tests. The tests are free for Munich residents and a coworker who also recently relocated told me he had no problem getting a free test with just his passport. Unfortunately that wasn't the case for me.

The first person I talked to said I needed a resident permit. I said I needed the covid test to get a resident permit, a bit of a catch 22. I tried showing him the Wohnungsgeberbestaetigung (Landlord confirmation of rental) but he said that was handwritten so it wouldn't count.  I really didn't want to pay €120 for something that should be free or ride out another 5 days of isolation, so I tried to plead my case. The guy suggested I try talking to one of the other reception people since maybe they wouldn't be such sticklers.

I went back to the front of the tent and was directed to a different counter. The woman there accepted my passport and Wohnungsgeberbestaetigung without giving me any grief. From there I was directed into the next tent for the test itself. It was a nurse administered tongue swab rather than the self administered nasal swab which I used for every other test. The receipt promised results by noon the next day so I took the scenic route back to my apartment and settled in to wait. 

I checked my results first thing this morning and they're negative so I'm free to do everything permitted under Munich's ongoing lockdown. Since its Sunday most things aren't open so opted to walk around the Alter Südfriedhof cemetery behind my house. 

It nice to stretch my legs and look at all the ornate gravestones. There were quite a few joggers out but the paths are plenty wide enough for social distancing.

Though the cemetery is old some of the graves did have flowers or wreaths on them.

On the way home I stopped at the coffee shop my landlady recommended and picked up a coffee and what I believe was Allerseelenzopf. A good snack to enjoy on my balcony while waiting for the rain to roll in.


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