Ich Bin Hier

Well I made it! I've spent the week working and trying to get over jet lag so apologies for the delayed post. The flight, immigration, customs, and the taxi ride to my apartment all went smoothly. This had the side effect of making me an hour early for my key exchange appointment so I sat outside and watched people go by. It's a busy intersection so plenty to watch. I couldn't wander far though since I had my pile of luggage to keep an eye on. 
Though the flight was uneventful I did have a unique experience on landing as we pulled up and circled around due to unfavorable wind conditions. In must have been based on instrument readings since the approach didn't feel out of the ordinary. The upside of this was circling around and getting a better view of the city. 
I spoke too soon in my previous post about the pandemic flying experience. Though the domestic terminal felt like a normal quiet flying day the international terminal was a ghost town. The central concourse felt like a partially closed mall (shout out to my readers who recall Valco).
Similarly the waiting area by the gate was mostly empty, as was the flight which mitigated my Covid concerns when combined with my PPE.
I have my Covid test tomorrow which I'm hoping will allow me to exit my quarantine and actually start exploring!


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