Fahrzeuge von München

 In addition to the baked goods I've also appreciated the diversity of vehicles around Munich. Here are the ones that caught my eye and where I had a chance to get a picture without people looking at me strangely.

This was the first one that caught my eye since it is unusual to see a sliding door on such a tiny vehicle.

I encountered this guy at the post hike biergarten, its not photoshopped it is in fact a tricycle.

This one is obviously a tricycle too but with a very different aesthetic.

Small cargo trikes like this one are fairly common in my neighborhood, this particular one is associated with the bar a few doors down. Though the front seat could sit two it has a center handlebar for steering rather than a wheel so I cannot imagine the passenger being particularly comfortable.

Though still small, this cargo vehicle, belonging to my local coffee shop, is big enough to merit a steering wheel.

This van appears to be of Russian manufacture from the stickers on it. It also has fuel caps on both sides which I'm sure comes in handy.

Not strictly a car but it is unusual to see a construction loader hanging in mid air. This construction project on my street has been ongoing since I've arrived but thankfully has not been loud and disruptive.

Not sure what exactly about this car caught my eye, perhaps it just looks very much like a car. I probably drew something similar in second grade.


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