Sonne und etwas Regen

Over the past couple weeks thing here have been trending in a decidedly positive direction. The case rates have dropped out of the most restrictive tier so things like outdoor dining have started reopening. On the weekend of May 8th I went for a bike ride south down the Isar to Grünwalder Brücke. The last third or so of the trail there was all gravel so I had to walk my bike for a few sections. Luckily it was pretty.

The bridge itself is unremarkable but as you can see it was a great day for biking.

I rode back on the other side of the river which was paved the whole way. Lots of people out enjoying the sun, biking, picnicking, even a couple of kayakers. I stopped for lunch at a roadside stand, the fish this guy was grilling looked good but more work than I wanted so I opted for a wurst instead.

On Sunday my friend Yuchen, who I met through my roommate when we both lived in San Francisco, convinced me join him and a couple friends for the "Wings for Life World Run". You download an app and everyone across the world starts running at once, after 30 minutes a virtual chase car starts an your race ends once it catches you. I'm not much of a distance runner so I was happy with my 11km. Here's the view from perhaps the 3/4 mark.

And here we are enjoying some well earned post race beers.

Our race happened to end near the US consulate so I had to get a picture of flag.

On Wednesday outdoor team sports were allowed to resume practicing provided everyone present had a negative test and registered to allow for contact tracing if needed. For me this meant the return of ultimate! I was finally able to meet the team I'd gotten in contact with a couple months ago. The captains and coaches led us through plenty of warmups then it was game time. Even a the rain couldn't dampen the pure joy of getting to play again.

Thursday was Ascension day which is a holiday in Bavaria. Despite the rain I found an open biergarten since they were allowed to open as well. Similar requirements to frisbee practice, negative test, register for contact tracing, and wear a mask whenever you're not at your table. I ended up having lunch there, I went for a Bavarian specialty, Jungschweinebraten which is pork roast in dark beer sauce with a potato dumpling and red cabbage. The sauce was a bit salty but it hit the spot on a cold wet day.

The rain was forecast to continue through the weekend so I stuck around the city and didn't get up to too much. The weather actually ended up being more sun than rain which I appreciated for Sunday frisbee practice. I did get in a couple walks through the city as well. Here are some interesting clouds over the Englischer Garten. 

I also took another walk around Schloss Nymphenburg which is looking more colorful and has the fountains going.


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