As I mentioned previously, I'm finding less and less time for blogging. That said I'll try to keep at least a monthly cadence and share any particularly exciting adventures or cool photos. During June I developed a pretty reliable weekend routine. Frisbee practice Friday evening, Hike or bike Saturday, Frisbee practice again Sunday. I'm looking forward to breaking that up some in July with frisbee tournaments which may entail leaving Munich and its immediate surroundings. For the time being though here's a quick run down of June. First up was the hike from Schliersee to Tegernsee , here's the view from the high point looking back at the lake. Here's a view looking South-ish with the Alps in the background. The next weekend I biked south to Starnberger See , I'd previously been through on the train and had it recommended as a good ride. Here's the lake itself which marked the approximate midpoint of my ride. I did a bit of sightseeing in the town as I ...