Fortsetzung der Erkundung

At over a month in I've settled into a rhythm. Though my team is here in Munich I do still have meetings with folks in California so my working hours skew later, either 10-6 or 12-9. This does give me mornings for grocery shopping and exploratory walks. Weekends are naturally more exciting when I can explore a little further afield. 

Two weekends ago now, I struck out East to Ostpark which has another hill where the Alps are supposedly visible. It was cloudy when I went so here's my trusty bike again. 

I took the long way back home through Landschaftspark Hachinger Tal which ended up being the highlight of the ride. Its a park built on an old airfield with the main runway still intact and free to bike along. There were plenty of people out, bikers, rollerbladers, skateboarders, cross country skaters, and in the field next to the runway kite buggying. It reminded me a bit of Alameda due to the old airfield buildings.
Crossing the Isar near my apartment I caught one of the trams with St. Maximilian church in the background. 

On sunday I took a walk down by the river which was full of people enjoying the sun. I opted to read in the cemetery etary behind my apartment which was much less busy. The flowers have started to come out, though I haven't looked up what they are.
I also found a gravestone which has the closest family name I've yet seen.

Last weekend I biked through the Museum quarter. Though they were still closed there were some interesting sculptures around. 
That evening I ventured into the city center. Everything was lit up but there were very few people around which made for a nice ambiance, a mix of exclusivity and mystery.
Here's both sides of the Neues Rathaus tower.

And of course the Munich coat of arms over a rather short door.

The walk home from Marienplatz took a bit of a turn for the surreal starting at Heiliggeistkirche. As I walked by a man leaving and I caught a glimpse inside. The whole building was lit up in purple and there looked to be a ceremony going on. Perhaps they have more contemporary services on Saturday nights since I've been to concerts with less exciting lighting. I didn't feel comfortable barging in to take pictures but here's what the windows looked like.
Past the rave church and closer to my apartment I encountered a restaurant with a full outdoor dining set up. Since this is still prohibited it was completely deserted and made for a strange sight. I am inclined to go back once things open up so perhaps it is just effective advertising.


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