Zug nach Weilheim

 This Friday was a company-wide day off not tied to any regular holiday. A perfect chance for me to explore somewhere a little further away and hopefully not have too many crowds. Back in the Bay Area I'd used previous company-wide day off (colloquially known as Sundar-days for the Alphabet CEO) to avoid crowds at the local disc golf courses so I decided to do the same here. The nearest 18 hole course to Munich is in Weilheim in Oberbayern which is about a 40 minute train ride away. Buying tickets was straightforward since there is an english version of the Deutsche Bahn website and an App for E-tickets. I bought a single day regional ticket to get there and back but not tied to any specific train. Friday morning I checked the app and headed to track 29 which is on the northern addition of the train station.

I arrived  early so the previous train had to depart before my train arrived. I was one of the first people on and took one of the seats with a table which included a map of the routes in the area.
I spent the train ride looking out the window and catching up on podcasts. The train goes by Starnberger See which I attempted to capture out the window. It is on the list for future excursions as there are a number of castles on the shore and a 30 mile bike loop around the lake.
Once in Weilheim I headed South west in search of the hill containing the disc golf course.
The start of the course was at the edge of the town and provided an excellent view over the fields to the alps. The town did smell a bit like fertilizer/manure but it was honestly a bit of a refreshing change and I quickly acclimated. 

  The course was not crowded at all one solo player ahead of me and a group of 3 behind who were practicing in the open field before starting. The course followed a local hill I believe called the Gögerl which provided excellent views of the area. See if you can spot the disc golf basket on the right of the photo below.
After finishing my round I wandered into town looking for lunch. I particularly enjoyed the woodwork on many of the houses.
I ate lunch by the Ammar river then caught a train back to Munich. Like the ride in it was not at all crowded so I again had a table to myself.
The day was definitely a success (well maybe not my +9 on the course) and I'm confident I can figure out the train system. If they do become a regular part of my adventuring repertoire I'll need to look into their discount programs for frequent riders since 22 euros will add up quickly If I take multiple trips a month.   


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