
With sunshine in the forecast I decided it was again time for a train trip to the countryside for some disc golf. I'd been periodically checking Udisc since some of the (relatively) nearby courses are seasonal or limited access. In particular the course at Schwabmünchen had been removed due to Covid then recently reopened. The train trip to Schwabmünchen from Munich requires a transfer which can take place in Buchloe or Augsburg which made finding tickets a little more of a challenge. Eventually though, I found the trains that were included as part of a single day regional ticket. Once again I started my day at the main Munich train station on tracks 26+

With each train trip the countryside gets greener and greener. I assume this will last longer than it does in California and the hills won't turn brown until the fall.

My transfer at Buchloe was uneventful since I had 15 minutes and there are only 4 platforms. Once I arrived in Schwabmünchen I made my way across town to the park containing the disc golf course. On the way I passed more signs of spring including the flowering tree in this yard.

The park had a couple of streams running though it which kept the golf interesting. I had to wade into the stream after my drive on hole 5 hooked right, but luckily there was a handy branch so I didn't need to go in too far. Here's the result of my upshot  on hole 7.

Here's the view from the top of the hill which is the teepad for hole 8. The basket itself is out of frame left but basket 13 is nestled in the trees in the middle and the teepad for 14 is the dock like structure protruding into the pond. 

I did throw another disk into a the water on 16 but one of the guys in the group ahead of me on 17 fished it out for me. I finished the round with plenty of daylight so after getting lunch from a nearby kiosk I had to decide what to do with my afternoon. I could play another round here, I could take the train north to Augsburg to walk around, or I could catch a train south to Bad Wörishofen where there is another disc golf course. Since I'd already nearly lost the same disc twice I decided to pass on playing a second round. Instead I headed to the train station and let the schedule make the decision for me. I arrived just before a southbound train so I jumped on. Luckily for me I'd been warned that German trains often split before their final destination since as it turned out I'd gotten on the half that wasn't going to Bad Wörishofen. I corrected that at the next station and arrived at my intended destination. Once again there was a bit of a walk to the course itself giving me a chance to appreciate the flowering trees.

The course here was more compact than Schwabmünchen and the hill wasn't quite as tall but it was fun nonetheless. The course looped around the pond in the left of the picture none of the baskets are visible.

I appreciate the abrupt transition from housing to farmland here.

Since I was literally at the end of line I hopped back on the train and made my way home.


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