Von Tutzing nach Peißenberg

 Once again Sunday was forecasted to have the better weather for excursions. My previous train trips I used Deutsche Bahn regional tickets so this weekend I decided use the S-bahn. This has the advantage of being slightly cheaper and a slightly closer station. In need of a destination I decided on the disc golf course in the town of Peißenberg. Getting there would require a train ride to the end of the line at Tutzing then biking the rest of the way. Biking isn't particularly conducive to photography so here's one of the first pictures I took, just before my route turned almost due west.

Despite the overcast the ride was quite pleasant, going through a number of small towns.

Once I reached the golf course I played through it fairly quickly, it wasn't particularly scenic. On the hill above though there was an excellent view.

For variety's sake took a different route back which felt fairly remote even though I still saw people every 10 minutes or so.
The alps were a constant backdrop and improve most pictures.

Though there was a fair amount of signage I did still run into a few intersections where I had to use my best judgement combined with the maps on my phone.

On previous train rides in this direction I'd noticed an installation of satellite dishes so I was happy to get a photo of them from the bike.

The disc golf wasn't really worth it but the ride was fun. I'm considering investing in a gravel bike since that seems like the best way to explore out here. As it turns out the S-Bahn isn't that much cheaper since theres a fee to bring your bike so having a bike were I could just take off from home and feel comfortable going a longe distance would be nice. Anyway, here is the entire route in all its glory. 


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