Zu Hause und in der Stadt

 These photos don't quite fit in with the weekend excursions cataloged in other posts but I wanted to share them nonetheless. First more bread! This is Sportler-Brot which is so far my favorite.

Next up is Bio Roggen Pur or Rye bread. It is more mild than the rye I've had before.
This is Dinkel Chia, it was good but didn't stand out particularly. Some stores stick a paper label directly on the loaf which is the white stuff in this picture.
Finally we have Familien Brot, another whole wheat loaf. It was longer than the others so perhaps that's where it gets the name.

I'm not just eating sandwiches though. A couple weeks ago I attempted Schwäbische Linsen mit Spätzle, which is a South German lentil dish served with traditional noodles. Here's the work in progress.
I used store bought dried Spätzle to make things easier and it turned out quite well.
On the sightseeing front here's a view across the Isar of St. Maximilian. The ducks in the river originally attracted my attention but I think the reflections steal the show.
Here's one of the newer style trams in the Schwabing neighborhood.
And lastly since it's snowing again here I'll leave you with the appropriately named Glory-of-the-Snow blooming in my local cemetery.


  1. Hello beloved nephew! I am finally getting a chance to subscribe to your blog and get caught up! I love your photos - you seem to have inherited the photographer's eye like your Uncle Jim. I am sure you are nicely settled in by now, and speaking fluent German :). I hope you post again soon. Although we only get the chance to see each other typically at Thanksgiving and Xmas, we miss you, but cheer you on your great adventure!


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