Münchner Nächte

Now that it says light fairly late here I've take to taking more sunset strolls around the city. The city has a different during twilight and even more so after dark. Plus some things just look cooler when they're all lit up. Take for example St. Lukas.


I spent a while out front trying to catch a tram at just the right spot. This is the closest I managed.
Looking down from the bridge I was impressed at how clear the water was, you can even make out a few fish!

The next weekend I went out a bit earlier and in a slightly different direction.

The reflection on the rails made for some cool photos.

Of course the church here (Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche) was illuminated as well.

There was even an alcove under the main spire which had glowing bread and wine

Now that the 10pm curfew is back in place it may be a little while before I get a chance to take more night photos.


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