Im Nordosten

 Another weekend another bike excursion. First though, I started out the morning with coffee and breakfast from the coffee shop next door.

I detoured through the cemetery on my way home to pick up my bike. More and more of the trees are in bloom a sure reminder spring is here.

Once I'd retrieved my bike I headed north after first crossing over to the eastern shore of the river. The first landmark I photographed was the Friedensengel which commemorates 25 years of peace since the 1870 Franco German war. 

Continuing north I arrived at the Isarwehr Oberföhring which is one in a series of dams on the Isar. This one diverts the Isar into two separate channels and contains a small power station as well. Importantly for my purposes it is a great place for a view back south down the Isar.

I followed the eastern fork out towards where it opened up into a reservoir.

My stopping point also included a good view of the S8 train line, though I did have to sit around for 10 minutes to get a good picture. Since I planned to cook dinner I hightailed it home without taking any more pictures.


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