Schlosspark Nymphenburg

The long easter weekend coincided with a couple of days of nice weather I wanted to take advantage of. Sunday looked like the nicer of the two so I decided to save that for a longer expedition and stay closer to home on Friday, specifically the grounds of Nymphenburg Palace

The palace provides a mobile app which suggests tours through the grounds and has explanations of the various sights. I'd downloaded it the night before and decided to start with the southern tour. I parked my bike under the left archway and headed down the the garden parterre.
Away from the central canal the park is more wooded, though as I learned from the app still intentionally designed. The canals out front have plenty of swans but I think this is a goose.
Here's the Goose's canal.

Geese weren't the only waterfowl. I initially thought these were wood ducks but post facto wikipedia searching makes me think they are actually mandarin ducks.

The grounds contain a multiple out buildings both practical and ornamental. The first one I passed was the Amalienburg which was used as a hunting lodge. The Guide app actually included a duck hunt clone which used this as a setting but I only played it once.
On the more ornamental side is the Temple of Apollo which sits on the shore of the larger of the two lakes.
I made it to the Western edge of the park which has an impressive view down the main canal back to the palace itself.
As I completed my loop I detoured to a couple top sights on the northern side of the canal including the Magdalenenklause which was built to appear ruined. 

Even in the middle of a popular and well manicured park there are still a few places that seem natural like this creek. 

The grounds on the eastern side of the palace are much smaller and more courtyards and parking lots. Impressive none the less. 

I look forward to the castles opening up so I can actually see what's inside. 


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